Authors and Illustrators
Bogdan Gargarita
- author and illustrator -

Bogdan Gărgăriță graduated in 2007 from the National University of Arts in the Graphics department and in 2017 completed his Master's degree in the CSM department - Metal specialization. Bogdan has a rich portfolio in the artistic field, with numerous exhibitions and domestic and international awards. He has a vast experience in making paintings and decorations on different supports such as canvas, wood and mural painting in various locations in Bucharest and in the country. Bogdan has been working with children for over ten years, in creative camps (Taberele de Creatie Pâtârlagele, etc.) and medieval festivals and together with Maria Poștea they founded the Intaglio Publishing House where they write and illustrate books for children and adults.
Maria Postea
- illustrator -

Maria Poștea graduated from the Bucharest University of Arts with a degree in Graphics and a master's degree in Environmental Textiles and Design and is a graduate of the department for teaching staff training, level I. She worked for over eight years with children, in medieval camps, creative camps (Taberele de Creatie Pâtârlagele) and festivals. Maria is, together with Bogdan Gărgăriță, a founding member and illustrator of Intaglio Publishing, having a rich experience in the field of illustration. She has participated in numerous exhibitions, winning national and international awards.
A lover of 1900s art, Maria often worked in the Art Nouveau manner and carried out a project for the graphic identity of the Neoromanian style. Through her works, she brings back the atmosphere of illustrations from the past. She gives a personal touch to each picture book, constantly experimenting with different techniques.