The Detail Series - The Detail Series
The Detail Series is a collection of albums promoting various national styles of the 1900s period. We are Maria Poștea and Bogdan Gărgăriță, the founders of the Intaglio Publishing House and the initiators of this project. The idea emerged from our passion for 1900s art and architecture but also from our desire to point out the deplorable state in which a large part of the heritage buildings are.
During our walks, we found that many architectural jewels that we pass daily are "hidden" by cables, damage and vandalism. Others are renovated without taking into account the original appearance, modifying the ornamentation on the façade. Many times, the materials and techniques used are not the proper ones, disregarding the authenticity and historical value of the buildings. Through the Detail Series albums, we want to draw attention to the need for proper conservation and restoration. In order to show their true value, we decided to illustrate the façades and ornaments in watercolor, instead of photographs, to restore their former beauty.
The first album, "The Neoromanian Detail - Bucharest", the bilingual English-Romanian book written by Dr. Oana Marinache, appeared after two successful crowdfunding campaigns on the Startarium and Kickstarter platforms. With the support of our readers, we managed to make our national style known throughout the world (United States of America, Canada, Russia, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Singapore and all over Europe). Influenced by our projects, many of our followers have told us that they have begun noticing and even started searching for the heritage buildings and architectural details with more interest than before.
The album "The Secession Detail - Timișoara" continued the project as a necessity to promote the beautiful buildings which, like the Neoromanian ones in Bucharest, are in an advanced state of decay and risk disappearing permanently from the urban landscape.
The text of the albums in the Detail Series is made as always by local historians or architects. Mihai Moldovan, the author of the text and project manager of Heritage of TimiÈ™oara, helped us in documenting the Secession buildings in TimiÈ™oara and selecting the ornaments and façades that will make up the album. "The Secession Detail - TimiÈ™oara" is translated into four languages: Romanian, Hungarian, German and English, to promote the TimiÈ™oara heritage both in the country and abroad. This album also benefited from a successful crowdfunding campaign, and thanks to the supporters of our project on the Consolid8 platform we managed to print the book. Thanks to everyone who contributed to these two architectural heritage albums and we hope to make many more in the future!